Property gains tax calculator

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How to calculate real estate gains?

  • 1

    Determination of Taxable Gain

    To calculate the taxable gain, subtract the purchase price and purchase expenses, as well as the expenses related to the sale, from the estimated sale price.

  • 2

    Find the Duration of Possession

    To calculate how many years the property has been owned use the purchase and estimated sale dates.

  • 3

    Application of Tax Rate

    A tax rate is applied based on the total duration of possession (from 7% to 30%).

  • 4

    Tax Calculation

    Finally, to calculate the tax, multiply the taxable gain bythe tax rate corresponding to the duration of possession.

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Information about your property

Available cantons: Valais, Uri, Glarus, Appenzell Inner-Rhodes, Appenzell Outer-Rhodes, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Geneva, Jura, Nidwalden, Zug, Schwyz, Thurgau, Fribourg, Zürich, Aargau, St. Gallen, Lucerne


Total taxable property gains
Estimated tax on property gains

Important: This calculator is intended solely for personal guidance. It estimates the property gains tax based on the information provided and the data valid at the time of the last system update. PropTech Partners Ltd cannot guarantee the accuracy of the result, as certain factors critical to the final tax assessment might not be considered by our calculator.

The result is not contractually binding. The definitive tax amount is determined solely by the relevant tax authority.

Gregory Priolo
Gregory Priolo

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The property gain is the profit made from the sale of a property. This profit is the difference between the selling price and the capital costs (purchase price plus certain additional costs). Deductible expenses include purchase expenses (notary fees and property transfer taxes), value-added investments, and sales expenses. Taxation of property gains varies from canton to canton in Switzerland.

The property gains tax is calculated based on several factors, including the canton in which the property is located. The following approach can serve as a guideline: 

  • Determining the property gain: The property gain is calculated by subtracting the purchase price of the property (including purchase expenses and value-added investments) from the selling price. Sales expenses can also be deducted.
  • Application of deductions based on the ownership duration (if applicable): In some cantons, the property gains tax is reduced based on ownership duration. The longer you have owned a property, the lower the tax rate. 
  • Calculation of the tax based on canton’s tax rates: The taxable property gain is subject to the canton’s tax rate. The tax rate may be progressive or proportional. 

Applying cantonal rules (if applicable): Cantonal specifics will influence the property gains tax, such as tax deferral for replacement purchases.

Yes, there are cases where property gains tax can be deferred or waived. The most common case is a replacement purchase, where the proceeds from the sale of a property are used to buy a new property. Here's a general outline: 

  • Replacement Purchase: If you sell your property and immediately invest the proceeds in the purchase of another property, you can apply for a deferral of the property gains tax. The property gain won’t be taxed as long as the money remains invested in a property. 
  • Conditions: To qualify for a deferral, certain conditions, which vary by canton, must be met. Generally, the replacement purchase must be made within a specific time frame, and the new property must be located in Switzerland. Additionally, the new property has to cost at least as much as the old one.
  • Goal: The deferral of the property gains tax offers a tax incentive for private homeowners who want to stay homeowners. 
  • Effects: The property gains tax is deferred until the new property is sold. If the new property is held until the owner's death, depending on the canton, it may be possible to avoid the property gains tax altogether.  

It's important to note that regulations vary from canton to canton. Consulting a tax advisor to get detailed information on the regulations in your canton is recommended to optimise your property gains tax.

The deferral of property gains tax allows homesellers to delay the property gains tax. This means the tax will be due at a later date rather than immediately upon the property sale. The most common scenario for a deferral is through purchase of a replacement property: 

  • Sale and Property Gain: If you sell a property at a higher price than the purchase price, you have made a capital gain, which would typically be subject to property gains tax. 
  • Replacement purchase: If you, however, reinvest the proceeds from the sale into purchasing a new property, the property gains tax may be deferred.
  • Conditions: To qualify for the tax deferral, certain conditions must be met, such as a new purchase within a specific timeframe and the new property being used the same way. Regulations vary by canton.
  • Advantage of tax deferral: The property gains tax is deferred until the replacement property is sold, effectively reducing the immediate tax burden and providing more funds for the replacement purchase.
  • Tax declaration: The sale of a property must be declared. The specific guidelines and form of the tax declaration depend on the canton. 

If you're planning a replacement purchase, we recommend consulting a tax advisor to get to know the regulations in your canton, allowing you to optimise the property gains tax to your advantage.

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